Brought to you by K9CA and Paw Alliance
How to register
If you register for one item (audit session, group session, private session), you can audit all the other sessions that day. Breakfast and Lunch are included.
Register for a $25 Audit spot (without a dog), and you watch all the group and private sessions that day.
Register for one of the $75 Group Sessions (you work your dog for that hour), and you can then audit the other sessions.
Pay for one $100 Private Lesson (with your dog), and you can audit all of the other sessions.
**If you want to be in two groups or a group and a private, you will have to register for both separately. And you automatically get to audit all the other sessions if you want.
**Group and Private Lesson participants will be provided an area to crate their dogs
Agenda (These are approximate times- participants should be flexible as times may shift slightly throughout the day.)
8:00am – 8:45am Check-in and Breakfast provided by PAW Alliance
8:45am – 9:45am Group Session – Miss Manners (10 spots)
10:00am – 10:45am Private Lesson
11:00am – 11:45am Private Lesson
11:45am – 12:15 pm Lunch provided by K9CA
12:15pm - 1:00pm Private Lesson
1:15pm - 2:15 Group Session - Agility to solve problems (8 spots)
2:30pm – 3:15pm Private Lesson
3:15pm - 4:15pm Group Session – No Talk Obedience (8 spots)
4:30pm - 5:15pm Private Lesson
Group Session Descriptions
8:45am – 9:45am Miss Manners
Help your dog move from “missed” manners to well-mannered. This session is for dogs that may be anxious, tend to pull on the leash, jump when greeting people or bark and lunge at other dogs or people. Joe will work with participants in this group to identify actionable strategies you can implement to transform your dog.
1:15pm – 2:15pm Using Agility to Achieve Training Goals
In this innovative session, Joe will work with participants to understand how the skills used in agility can be applied to other areas of dog training. Agility can be used to help your dog develop confidence, deal with anxiety or just be more consistent with everyday commands and activities. And don’t forget about improving your performance in agility and other performance sports; this session can help with that too!
3:30pm – 4:30pm No Talk Obedience
Another innovative session where participants will set their dogs up for success by achieving obedience without words. Joe will work with participants to improve their communication with their dogs to develop improved behaviors and performance by helping you learn to speak your dog’s language in new and fun ways.
One price ALL DAY LEARNING - Watch and learn from and with others
Group and Private Lesson participants will be provided an area to crate their dogs
Event Details:
08:45 am Group - Miss Manners - $75.00
10:00 am Private Session - $100.00
11:00 am Private Session - $100.00
12:15 Private Session - $100.00
1:15 pm Group - Agility to Achieve Goals - $75.00
2:30 pm Private Session - $100.00
3:30 pm Group - No Talk Obedience - $75.00
4:30 pm Private Session - $100.00
Audit Spot (No Dog) - $25.00
Audit Spot - Shelter Worker (No dog) - $15.00
Joe Dickinson Website